The Commission on Higher Education Regional Office 2 (CHED RO2), in partnership with the Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU), held an Orientation for New Tulong Dunong Program (TDP) student-grantees of the Academic Year 2022-2023 on November 9, 2023 at the Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU) Gymnatorium, NVSU – Bayombong Campus, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.
New student-grantees from 6 HEIs located in the province of Nueva Vizcaya, namely, the NVSU – Bayombong Campus, NVSU – Bambang Campus, Aldersgate College, Saint Mary’s University, PLT College, and King’s College of the Philippines – Bambang, participated in the orientation.
Officials from the Unified Student Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education Secretariat (UniFAST Secretariat) led by OIC-Executive Director, Atty. Ryan L. Estevez, the NVSU administration led by University President, Dr. Wilfredo U. Dumale Jr., OIC-Director IV of CHED RO2, Atty. Marco Cicero F. Domingo, and TDP Focal Persons of partner HEIs graced the orientation.
In their respective messages, Atty. Estevez, Dr. Dumale, and Atty. Domingo emphasized the importance of the opportunity afforded by TDP, which greatly helps in the completion of students’ chosen undergraduate degrees and the realization of their dreams. They also conveyed that the country who has been investing on the program may not demand anything in return, but expects that the beneficiaries of the program will take the forefront and direct the helm towards a bright and better future.
The orientation concluded with the distribution of Notices of Award (NOA) that contains all the necessary information, terms and conditions of the program, which must be signed by the beneficiaries.
TDP-TES program is a subsidy to support at least the partial cost of tertiary education of Filipino students who are enrolled in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), CHED-recognized Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs), and Private HEIs. Student-grantees of this program are entitled to receive a full academic-year grant amounting to PhP15,000.00 subject to semestral validation and availability of funds. (A. Maguigad Jr.)